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Sunday, October 23, 2011

Feeling a little bummed...

Well, today I'm feeling a little bummed.  I really don't know why.  Ok, maybe thinking about it, I do.  I'm just feeling left behind.  It seems all my family and friends are "adding" to their families and I'm all alone.  Right now, my best friend is pregnant, three of my cousins are pregnant, and a bunch of my "online" support group friends are pregnant.  I just feel alone.  Why does it have to be so hard for some and so incredibly easy for others?  Not that anyone deserves it any less, but why can't we all just have it so easy.  Ugh!

Does anyone else notice an increased about of pessimism during AF.  I'm only on day 2.  I'm thinking she's going to be gone soon, which I like, but worries me at the same time.  Every month that I take Clomid, it seems my AF gets shorter and lighter.  From what I hear and read that isn't good.  I have to phone my Dr's office tomorrow so I'll have to check with them and see if maybe they could switch me to Fermara.  I heard Fermara doesn't thin out your lining like Clomid, which could be why AF is making these new changes.  It's a lot more pricey though which is a big bummer.  Whatever works though, right?   Otherwise, if staying on Clomid, I'm going to see if maybe they would do another u/s check of the follicles and lining, maybe even a Trigger shot.  I was considering asking about having a HSG done as well for next cycle.  We shall see what tomorrow brings. 

For now, I'm just trying not to think about it and get out of this "mood" that I'm in...


Shasta said...

I have a lot of pessimism during my whole cycle. I've already told Jesse that I think it's not going to happen this month. He thinks I need to stop whining and be happy...but he really has no clue how much it hurts to see everyone else get pregnant while you are struggling. Hang in there. We are all rooting for you. :)

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