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Saturday, October 22, 2011

What I'm Changing This Cycle

Last night, I was trying to explain that I don't have PCOS, somehow I think everyone got confused. I've been tested for it twice. Originally I thought that it could be my problem since I had irregular cycles with no to little ovulation and I'm a heavier set girl but according to the tests I'm not. Last night also, since JM was having such problems I decided I just needed to get some feelings out and thought about starting up a diary. Which lead me to starting up my own TTC Blog. I've seen others that have there's and I've been watching some of the TTC Vlogs on YouTube. I'm not quite ready to get infront of the camera, but why not a blog, I can take pics and just let everything out. Maybe it would help someone else in the same situation. It's always nice to know that there is someone else out there that is going through the same thing you are.

This cycle I'll talk to the nurse about the Fermara and see if the dr would like to try that instead, what could it hurt? Then also I was going to change up my diet a little bit, cut out sugar and carbs, and try to work out more. Well see if that helps, at least it should bring down the scale number. Win win. Also, I decided that I'll temp til confirmed O and then I'm quiting with temping for the rest of the cycle. I don't have to much faith in what my chart shows except for O. Plus, it might just help me keep my mind off TTCing. I'm not going to read into any symptom I get, since again, I had every symptom in the book, and it was totally different from any cycle I have ever had, and yet turned out to be nothing but signs of AF. My average LP is 13 days with the exception of this last cycle which was a fluke. So if I go over that then I will test. I'm not going to hold off since all it really did was make me crazy and didn't work anyway. So why not feed the addiction.

I'm still going to continue the scent therapy, just well, because I like it. I think this cycle is just going to be a very relaxed cycle. According to FF we may still be home during my O time, so we might still have a chance but I'm not putting much faith into it. I'm visualizing this cycle as a preparation cycle for December. I can start and get into some of my new dietary changes and be prepared for the next cycle. So that's what I've come up with, at least for now. I think it's a decent plan. Who knows things may change, well see what happens with my dr phone call on Monday.


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